luni, 11 ianuarie 2010

La ceas de seara un tangou...

Cat de minunat e atunci cand totul devine atat de fluid incat e ca si cum cele doua trupuri se armonizeaza perfect si devin unul. Atunci uiti de tot ce te inconjoara. Lasa-te purtat de urmatorul tangou:

“In tango, you move with your partner and with the music. The relationship between you and your partner is not personal. What is personal between the two of you is that you both are trying to caress the music with your feet. A good tango dancer is one who listens to the music. We dance the music, not steps. You see, we are painters. We paint the music with our feet.” Miguel Zotto

2 comentarii:

realbadpisy spunea...

Dap! tangoul este intradevar un dans special..mai mult decat dans..

Minicoleta spunea... aşteaptă ceva pe blogul meu...ţi-am dat mai departe să completezi! te pup, mirela :)